Thursday, December 29, 2005

My All Time Favorite Geek Computer Things

Friends, it is time I exposed you to my geek side. Yes, I have a geek side. A pretty hard core geek side. And now you shall see it, and possibly share in my geekiness. What an opportunity this is for you.

And without further ado- my favorite free computer things.

Firefox- This is the web browser I use. If you haven't already discovered it, it's pretty darned amazing. The pop up blocker is great, and it's fast. It also has tabbed browsing, so it's easy to go back and forth between pages. My favorite feature though is it's security. I get almost no spyware.

Opera- This browser is as good as firefox. Also fast, secure, and tabbed browsing enabled, Opera has it's fans. Opera is also highly customizable. I use both, but prefer Firefox merely through personal preference.

Supertux- This has been the demise of more of my time than I dare to think about. This is basically a highly addictive game the is similar to Super Mario Brothers. If you do not have free time, step away from the link!

TuxRacer- Another highly addicting waste of time. This game features the same Tux we met last game, however, instead of jumping on bombs to rescue his girlfriend, this time he is racing down hills.

- Now that there is a good chance I have turned you on to two very addicting games, and encouraged you to spend more time online, I shall encourage productivity. This is basically a free kick-butt office suite that recently released version 2.0.

Gmail For some reason it would not surprise me in the least if many of you bloggers were already using this. This is an awesome e-mail service from Google. It has a very nice user interface, and some pretty cool features, including a new mobile service, which I used to check my e-mail during a recent camping trip, virus scanning, an RSS feeds right on the website. RSS feeds can enable you to check up on your favorite blogs at the same time as checking your e-mails. Don't let the beta scare you.

Well, I am sure I will think of more later, so we may be having a part 2, but for now, it's bed time.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for my six new addictions...

Six Until Free Sites

Anonymous said...

yay for Firefox and OpenOffice!!!